Living in Fear
There are throngs of people in the U.S.A. who accuse those like me of "living in fear."
It is suggested that we "live in fear" because we
- Stayed home when directed.
- Wore a mask when suggested.
- Got a vaccine when they became available.
- Regularly get vaccinated against a variety of ills.
- Regularly follow recommendations from doctors and medical institutions.
- Avoided crowds, groups, and people in general when government agencies said disease was rampant.
- and on and on....
I find that the folks who claim I "live in fear" often seem to cling to a religious belief that God is also to be feared.
The God they fear
- insists on specific rituals.
- insists that no one was created good.
- insists that we should constantly judge the actions of ourselves and others.
- insists that we should "speak out in love" against the "sins" of those around us.
- insists that there is only one version of religion that knows this God.
This is not the God I know.
The God I know desires that I show Love to my neighbor.
And it is for that love that I:
- Stayed home when directed.
- Wore a mask when suggested.
- Got a vaccine when they became available.
- Regularly get vaccinated against a variety of ills.
- Regularly follow recommendations from doctors and medical institutions.
- Avoided crowds, groups, and people in general when government agencies said disease was rampant.
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