How would Jesus vote?

Short answer.
He wouldn't.

There's that answer He gives regarding taxes that sums it up fairly clearly; "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's."

Longer answer?

He would vote for Love.

He taught Love.
He showed Love.
He shared Love.
He defined Love.
He is Love.

So - who would He vote for (if He really *HAD* to make a choice)?

He would support candidates who are models of Love.

He would know their heart. I know that seems unfair. But we can also know the hearts of mankind.

He would not base His decision on candidate's words, but their deeds, life experiences, and reactions to the world around them.

He would vote for the candidate who typifies a loving response in nearly every situation.

He would support Love.

If you vote, vote for the candidate who:

acknowledges the suffering of others.
appreciates the hardships and struggles of every human.
models a heart of compassion.
models a heart of empathy.
cries out for the downtrodden.
embraces the human condition.

If this causes you some cognitive dissonance, it's likely because you have been immersed in Evangelical teachings for decades.

It's OK.  You've been taught that the world is made of right versus wrong, black versus white, and one political leaning is "best."

You have a few more months to tackle that dissonance. It doesn't mean you've been wrong about everything. It CERTAINLY doesn't mean you need to find sources to support the dissonance (I'm looking at you, Q-anon).  It means you're about to grow.

I know how that feels. I've been questioning for decades. The growth pains, for me, have been spread over at least 25 years.  I can't expect you to suddenly reach the same leap that I made in 3 months time.

I will beg, though, that you consider - vote for Love.
Do you feel that the person you are supporting could Love close to like what Christ did?


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