
Showing posts from July, 2021

Growing Church Congregations

  I just mentioned in my previous post that I attend worship services of a church that's attempting to figure out how to "grow."   They are looking for input.   I have a lot of thoughts, but I'm not sure which ones they'll think are "helpful."   Look around. We have more "churches" in this U.S. towns than restaurants. Is there a reason we're not all on the same page? How hard would it be to remove barriers to being ONE community "church?" Too hard? Then we aren't loving as Jesus loved. It's OK if the idea of Sunday "worship services" dies. It's OK if the idea of formal congregations/members/structure dies. As I've said in other posts, unless we have purposes outside of a "worship service" a church is nothing more than either a(n) social club mini-Jesus-concert Christ-centered TED talk attempt to manipulate a feeling of spiritual well-being                     or  business that "works"

In But Not Of

Confession.   As much as I believe that attending a "Worship Service" is of little real value, I do attend frequently. In fact, for the past 2 years or more I have been a regular part of a "worship team." It's a bit of a struggle, as I like to make music, BUT singing and being in a "Worship Service" has little to do with how I spend time with or for God. The church I attend was perplexed when I explained I could not "become a member" and even more so when I explained I really shouldn't be a "worship leader."  It's hard to explain my issues without presenting a viewpoint that may seem a bit dismissive of many of the things congregants hold dear. Regarding membership, I had to explain that my beliefs do not conform to the standards required for membership. As for "leading," I explained that my beliefs would likely eventually lead to me saying something in front of the congregation that would offend ("this is bes