Why Did God Tempt Us?

Have you ever wondered why God even MADE the tree of the Knowledge of Good/Evil if He was only going to FORBID Adam & Eve to eat from it?

I mean, as a parent, I wouldn't put a bowl of poison out in front of my kids and say, "now don't drink this."

Here's my theory.

The fruit was GOOD (although maybe not yet ripe or "in season), but our MIND and BODIES were not yet evolved enough.

I'm thinking, the fruit would eventually have been something good for us to eat. I'm thinking, eating it WHEN they did caused a cascade of brain-chemistry reactions that we were not ready for.

Had we waited, I believe, God would have eventually said, "Take. Eat. For NOW you are ready."
I believe God is still hoping to reintroduce the fully matured fruit to fully matured humans.
I believe we are still not yet ready.


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