God Loves Everyone or just the Church?

Ephesians 4:12 & 13

Does God want just "believers" be of one mind and body OR all His children to mature into a belief that makes us ALL one and in agreement of who He is.

This passage in Ephesians has been utilized to describe how church bodies should be able to function as one unit.  "The church" as "one body" is supposedly called to bring more people into its body.

What if, though, God hopes for ALL the world to be His body.
What if, it will take MANY perspectives from all the world and faiths to fully know God as Father?

What if, all of us as individuals are no more "sentient" and fully aware than a blood cell in our own body is aware of our hair color? What if, to see the whole of who we are and to enjoy the fullness of our Father's relationship, we need to communicate and understand EVERYONE's perspective?


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