Building Permanence
Shall we build a tabernacle on our journey?
At one point, the disciples of Christ offered to build a permanent structure to honor what must have seemed like the pinnacle moment of Christ's time on earth at that point.
Jesus, more or less, scolded them.
I like to think the scolding was to point out that the journey of building relationships and understanding the completeness of God is not a journey that has an end. I mean, in our families, friendships, and even casual relationships, how often do we say, "Wow. This is the best it's ever gonna be. We should just stop working now."
I believe that the whole of the world; those of MANY faiths, including Christians are all on a journey that will someday result in ALL the WORLD coming to a singular vision of who God is.
I believe that no one faith has, as of yet, all the answers.
I believe it will take all of our perspectives to understand everything.
Why do I say this?
Well, I do not want to make the mistake the disciples made of trying to set up a permanent tabernacle and stop the journey. There is evidence through even just written history that ALL faiths have changed over time and ALL faiths have matured.
I refuse to believe that the human race is done maturing and neither should our faiths be stunted by believing as such.
At one point, the disciples of Christ offered to build a permanent structure to honor what must have seemed like the pinnacle moment of Christ's time on earth at that point.
Jesus, more or less, scolded them.
I like to think the scolding was to point out that the journey of building relationships and understanding the completeness of God is not a journey that has an end. I mean, in our families, friendships, and even casual relationships, how often do we say, "Wow. This is the best it's ever gonna be. We should just stop working now."
I believe that the whole of the world; those of MANY faiths, including Christians are all on a journey that will someday result in ALL the WORLD coming to a singular vision of who God is.
I believe that no one faith has, as of yet, all the answers.
I believe it will take all of our perspectives to understand everything.
Why do I say this?
Well, I do not want to make the mistake the disciples made of trying to set up a permanent tabernacle and stop the journey. There is evidence through even just written history that ALL faiths have changed over time and ALL faiths have matured.
I refuse to believe that the human race is done maturing and neither should our faiths be stunted by believing as such.
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