When God Lied

No. I don't think God lied.

What I think happened was that we interpreted His meaning incorrectly.

In Genesis, every version or translation reads that God told Adam & Eve that if they ate the fruit "they would surely die that day."

Obviously, they did not die.

So. Did God lie? Did He tell a "little white lie" or zealously over-dramatize the suffering that Adam and Eve would endure?

I am wondering if He said some different words that could have meant physical death, but in fact meant something more.

I'm betting He said, "you shall surely cease to enjoy life."
"You shall cease to live abundantly."
"You shall cease to truly live."
"You shall no longer taste life."

Why would I believe this?

I do not believe in a lying God. I believe in a misunderstood God.

Humanity wasn't using written word in its infancy. There's a good chance the Narrative of the Garden has suffered some inaccuracies.

Ever since the knowledge of Good/Evil has clouded our minds, shame keeps us from understanding His intent to Love.

Once they bit the fruit, they knew shame. Once we know shame, shame keeps us from...

living abundantly
tasting the fullness of life
enjoy the fullness of life.

Shame blinds us to the gifts of joy.
Shame destroys life.


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