Commission NOT Condemnation
Christians are familiar with "the Great Commission."
It is referenced every time there is a need to prod people into "missions," "ministry," or "making disciples."
As I re-read it, I notice 2 things.
1 - Jesus did not define "the Good News" to contain salvation from eternal punishment. The concept of eternal punishment was added later by translators. Jesus called His followers to make disciples of Jesus"s teaching. Jesus never taught punishment. He taught Love.
2 - Jesus doesn't say, "Do this, or other Nations will never know God." He does not say that the rest of the world will be condemned to some sort of punishment for our inaction. I would contend that it is foolish to think that God's Love and Forgiveness is potentially inhibited by our inability to convince the world of some sort of blood-pact. Jesus said, tell the world that God loves them and everyone should love everyone.
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