Who Did Jesus Condemn?

What was Jesus' Gospel?

Did He preach about the need to shed a sinful nature?

Did He preach that mankind was condemned to suffer eternity in Hell unless they said just the right penance?

Did He single out the varied other faiths of the Mediterranean Region and cite why each was destined to lead to Hell?

Did He condemn the lifestyles of the lascivious Romans and their sexual promiscuity?


He pointed a finger at all those who would condemn a "woman caught in adultery" and condemned their hateful spirit.

He pointed a finger at all those who would claim to be greater and called them lesser.

He pointed at the religious leaders and called them vipers.

His Gospel was Love.

After He died, He still came back one more time to instruct His followers to take THAT gospel to the world.

The Gospel He preached was that there never was condemnation.

He said it Himself. He was doing as His Father is doing - not condemning, but loving, healing, and asking everyone to do the same.  His death was not necessary, but a demonstration of a willingness to love even unto death.


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