Keeping Up With the Jesuses

We are familiar with the idea of "keeping up with the Jones;" the idea that people will try to buy things to make their lives similar to the "Jones's" next door.

I am convinced that many Christians and churches function the same way.

I feel the current COVID-19 Pandemic may even be amplifying this for all the world to see.

Churches are "scrambling" to figure out how to do services online, gather safely (or even pressure their members to gather unsafely), accept offerings, and generally "do as well 'serving' their congregation as well as the other church down the street."

Let us look to Jesus' example. Let us list the times He took His disciples to gather at the local temple to "worship" like the other Jews were doing.

Go ahead.

I'll wait.

I see one recorded time. And we recall how that went down. Jesus said, "Not this. Not here."

When Jesus gathered with His friends, structure was not central. Regularity was not recorded. In fact, the local religious leaders frequently scolded Jesus and His followers for NOT doing the "right  things" at the "right time."  Jesus's response was almost always, "Do what is needed to meet the need of the here and now. This is what is right and good."

So - what do you need here and now? If *you* need the gathering of friends for your mental health; then by all means make an effort. Just know that God will be OK if you don't. His Love doesn't change.

Please, don't worry about how good your "Jesus Show" is or how "many people" you reach. Jesus is watching something else today. He is meeting the needs of your neighbors.


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