
Showing posts from May, 2021

Love is the Better Way

It was hard to sit through a sermon centered on guilt. It was harder to hear guilt described as how the Holy Spirit shapes Christians to be better disciples.   No. Please, no.   If we wish to follow the model of Christ, we do not teach "the sinners" to feel guilty about  their "sin." He.Did.Not.Do.This. He Loved. He did not chastise "the sinner." He chastised the Religious. We do not change the hearts of people through fear. Love changes hearts. Jesus loved. Do this.

Judge Not

  On my journey, I tend to look at Bible passages and think, "Wait. Is what I was taught actually what was meant?"   Is Matthew 7:1-3 just about not judging others?  Or is it just as much about not judging yourself? Or about not starting the domino-effect of everyone judging each other? Or is it equally about the first few words, "Do not judge so that you will not be judged. (NASB)?" My contention continues to be that God never intended us to see bad/good or label actions as "sin." My thought is that Jesus may have been suggesting that the only reason "judging" exists on the planet is because humans started it.