
Showing posts from June, 2020

Black Lives Matter

I've been struggling to find a way to explain this sentiment to my friends and neighbors who might reply with "All Lives Matter." I may have hit on a thought that may work for some. First, though, we have to agree that the health of the entire human population affects a Nation. Community World Church WHATEVER. Understand that when ONE part suffers, we (eventually) all suffer. This is hard to understand to those of us who have been immersed in White Privilege since day one. White Privilege teaches us that we've earned our life of least resistance. We learn that self-fulfillment is more important than community contribution. It should be less complicated for any of us who have a faith background, as most faith backgrounds tout the idea that: The least of these is as important as "the greatest." We are all "one body." The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Those that pay attention to economics also understand that the entire world is con...

The Business of Church

If the title of this post didn't make you cringe, read on. If it made you cringe a bit, you can probably stop reading now. We likely already feel the same way. In my recent post , I lamented about "the Mission" of the church. In that post I was primarily concerned with the focus many churches seem to have of growing their membership. Let's also think a minute about the role of a church "service." Why do we meet for "worship services?" It is this focus that causes "church splits" and why those outside organized religion often shake their heads.  Churches spend time tweaking, debating, and lamenting changes to make "the best worship experience." I would ask that church organizations pause and ask, "What is the purpose of a church worship service?" If your purpose is to entertain or "invite everyone to experience God," then, by all means, keep tweaking and debating.  If your goal is to create a weekly experience...