Sheep & Goats
There's a very vivid passage from Jesus in which he explains that all will come before Him someday and be shocked to find out that He favors those who loved in His name over those who did not. When most preachers deliver a sermon on this passage, they tend to focus on the end bit in which "the goats" go away to "eternal punishment." (Side note - not THROWN into eternal punishment. They just "go away" with their tails between their legs.) I'd like to point out that, in ALL of the metaphors Jesus used to describe the "judgement" of "the end times," He focuses on people being ready, willing, obedient, and loving. He doesn't say, "those who have called upon my name and thanked me for being a sacrificial lamb" will be led into everlasting glory. He doesn't say, "those who said the special prayer." He doesn't say, "those who religiously did the church things." Nope. He says, the Kin...